Celebrating the New Year
11:22 PM | Author: Aubrey Noble
So, who is up for getting together for New Years? And who has any good ideas of what and where? Just, you know, throwing this out there for all you planning-type-personalities. . .
A Christmas Party!
3:03 PM | Author: Aubrey Noble
Let's have a Christmas get-together! My house, Monday, 8:30 (aka after family night), bring snacks and perhaps a board game or two (cough Ryan, Quelf, ahem)and we'll watch Muppet Christmas Carol, mmmkay?
Hope yall are having a wonderful Christmas season thus far!
12:18 PM | Author: Linndsy ^^
Ok, somebody tell me what I want for Christmas... I'm TERRIBLE at coming up with Christmas lists..... =P
~~~Mission Call~~~
4:09 PM | Author: Austin Keith Heywood
The time has arrived that I should start asking questions... even though my mother says not to ask too many questions so close to Christmas!  So, I'll just ask one! Anywho, I have had my interviews and my mission papers are in Salt Lake's possession!  I plan to have my call in my hands by about the 18th of December, and I wish to know from each individual who has the privilege of writing on this blog to make a guess and post it! For a complete listing of current open missions got to:


The closest person (geographically) to the "Best Mission in the World" will win a prize!*

*Winner must be present to redeem prize. No substitutions, No changing guesses after call has been opened, and No exceptions.**
**Ok so I might be a little lenient*** on the no exceptions rule.*
***Lenient is to mean that you change your guess if the change is made before you hear**** of my call.
****Hearing may also be interpreted as to have the opportunity***** to have heard.
*****Opportunity is defined as any person or persons****** in your immediate family having heard directly where I have been called.
******Since my mother and father will both be present when I open my call you may simply defer that all paersons reading this will have no chance to change their guess once once the moment has been reached that I read to myself or aloud to those present where I have been called! haha It looks like I could make a wonderful legislator!... But looks can be deceiving! ;)
Jury Duty
10:14 PM | Author: Birtcher
Ha ha ha, yes i got an important message in the mail from my local government... jury duty! Ya. Well, i've never done this before and was wondering if anyone else has had this "charming" opportunity to serve? Any advice. I don't really know what to expect. Thanks guys! :)
Wisdom Teeth
1:15 PM | Author: Melodie
So just so you all know, I am getting my wisdom teeth pulled on the 23rd of December while I am home for Christmas break! Feel free to come visit anytime! From what I hear about the combination of puffy cheeks, and lot's of pain-killers, it should be quite amusing for all of you! Jamba Juice, Jello, and Yoplait Yogurt are also welcomed along with chocolate mousse, hot chocolate, and chocolate-covered cherry cordials. ;)
Movie Night!!!
11:51 PM | Author: Chelzy
Hey guys!  I don't think that I have ever posted on this blog so here I go! :D  Many of you who have been out of town I believe are now back in town and well so I am I!  And I really would like to hang out with you all before we all have to go our separate ways again!  So...on Friday night I am having a movie night at my house and I suppose we'll decide on the movie then so please come and have a last bash before finals!  

p.s.  It's at my house (3520 E. Dover St.)  and it is at 8:00!
9:36 AM | Author: Elder David Phelps
How has every one been? i want to hear from every one and some one needs to get this blog up and going again. this is sad i got permission to write some thing on here so. Every one i want to here from you! If every one can post there address on my blog that will help. If you write me I Promise to write you back as soos as i can. well ttyl my blog is now elderdavidphelps.blogspot.com
Temple Day :)
9:19 PM | Author: Sterling

Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long since I've posted, and our site has gone to the pits! But! it's now Thanksgiving week and I'm off of school for a week! Which means I'm in Mesa! So I'm planning on going to the Temple for Baptisms on Tuesday at 6:30 AM!!! SO! if you want to come just let me know! and if you need a ride let me know too :) It'll be a great experience! I hope to see you all before i leave back to college!

P.S. This is the last time I'll be in Mesa... i know i said that last time.. sorry!
Christmas Break!
10:45 AM | Author: Aubrey Noble
Hey kids! I know this blog has kind of fallen into disuse and disrepair with our boys vanishing on missions and girls vanishing to college. BUT if anyone is interested in getting together over Christmas Break, I'm having a Christmas Party on Dec. 22nd - let me know if you can come! :)
Stolen word for word from another blog
8:26 AM | Author: Dallin
Bishop William Weigand, who is now head of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sacramento, issued a statement in defense of the LDS Church and their involvement in Proposition 8, part of which said:

"Catholics stand in solidarity with our Mormon brothers and sisters in support of traditional marriage - the union of one man and one woman - that has been the major building block of Western Civilization for millennia.…

"Bigoted attacks on Mormons for the part they played in our coalition are shameful and ignore the reality that Mormon voters were only a small part of the groundswell that supported Proposition 8."

I think this statement is very cool.
Darrik and Kendalls addresses!
2:21 PM | Author: peachymonkey
Hey guys :D I need to know what Darrik and Kendall Sirrines addresses are! Does anybody know?! that would be amazing!!
California for Prop 8
8:16 AM | Author: Unknown

Dear family and friends,
I had a very disturbing experience yesterday that I would like to share with those of you that live outside of California (or outside of the San Francisco Bay Area).
This weekend we have stake conference. Our stake conference always begins with a stake temple session on Friday or Thursday night. Early Friday morning I received a call from the second counselor in our bishopric to let me know that there would be numerous protesters outside the temple, and to remind everyone to
stay calm and to drive carefully. The beautiful Oakland Temple is located right across the bay from San Francisco, very close to the city of Berkeley.
Apparently the opposition to proposition 8, the amendment that seeks to
make marriage in CA between a man and a woman again, has realized the deep involvement of the church and begun to protest right outside of the temple and harass temple patrons. The fastest way to get to the temple from our house is to take the
680 freeway, but the exit is a bit tricky. The off ramp is extremely short and straight uphill. You then make an almost blind left turn, an immediate right and another left into the parking lot. As we approached the off ramp, I realized there would be trouble. There was a backup onto the freeway from cars stalled on the off ramp. As we moved forward inches at a time, we realized this was due to a large group of loud protesters who were standing on both sides of the street, yelling, screaming and waving signs. When we got to the top of the offramp, ready to make our turn, one protester jumped out right in
front of our car. It took my husband all his self control to carefully maneuver around him to the left and proceed to the temple. I tried not to listen to all they were shouting at us, but I was shaking as I got to the temple front door. Several of the sisters, especially the ones driving on their own, were crying (which made me snap out of it and go into RS President mode to comfort them).
Later, as I was sitting in the perfect quiet of the chapel, I couldn't help but think of Lehi's dream, and the people who mocked the Saints from the big spacious building but we heeded them not.' It was a truly surreal experience, I'd never thought that I would have to go through an angry crowd to get to the temple. As we left late at night, the protesters had dispersed, temple security (who all looked very large and Tongan) stood by the gates. I never saw
a single policeman.

Please pray for those of us in California fighting for prop 8--it's getting kind of scary out here!
Amy Ruben
Darrik's Mission Farewell!
2:15 PM | Author: Darrik
Hey everyone my mission farewell is this sunday! Its at 1230. If you need directions just call me!
2:30 PM | Author: Linndsy ^^
Hey everyone! I need all of your email addresses so I can invite you to read my blog! Then I can take my privacy settings off of Public... haha that'd be nice! :) So get back to me quickly!

All my love,
Linndsy Lou
Good Bye to everyone!
8:10 PM | Author: Elder David Phelps
Well this will be my last blog post for two years! Thanks to every one for being great friend's to me, it has helped alot in my life! if i didnt have all of you i dont know what i would do with all my time! I would probaly go crazy with all my free time! my blog will be used as my mission blog my brother will be running it for me! thaks to darrik and sterling for starting this blog so we can all stay in tuch! all guys if you dont write me with wehre you are going i will be verry upset! girls dont date to much so us guys might have a chance to date you after our missions! thanks to all and see you in two years!
Linndsy's Blog
11:15 AM | Author: Linndsy ^^
Ok, I finally think I've fixed my blog so just letting you guys know! And you should check it out because I posted my birthday party plans! =P Love you all!
007 Tonight
11:52 AM | Author: Tyster
007 Tonight

Here is how to get to my house! Go down to Higley Rd. turn right going south, then keep going down like (going towards the 60) go past the 60 then comes Baseline Rd. go past that and go to the light caled Houston make a right, go straight down, ends up curving right, then make your first right onto Indago Bay Dr. My house is the 2nd one on the left. It would have my dads truck in the driveway dark blue.

007 Every come over to my house tonight at 7:00pm. I want this to be the bigest game ever! Bring everyone you know even people you dont know. If your unable to come please tell your friends or other people (ages 14-18)anyone is welcome to come. Thanks and hopefully your able to come. Txt or Call me at: 602-363-6893 - Ty's Number
Elder David Phelps farewell talk
9:43 AM | Author: Elder David Phelps
I am giving my farewell talk on sunday the 28th of september! My ward starts at 8:30 a.m. I know thats Early but i hope you will sacrifice some sleep and come! It is located right by my house (1455 N Harris Dr)! I will be leaving on oct 6th and report oct 8th!
There will be a small goodbye party at my house at 8:00pm onthe 28th
8:28 PM | Author: Dallin
B is doing good. They were planning on keeping him in a drug induced coma for three days, but they changed their minds and woke him up today! The surgery went well, and the doctors think that they got everything they needed to get. However, it was brain suregery, so Brantley does have some paralysis on his left side. But they apparently decided he was already well enough to start him on physical therapy today during chorale (i.e. while we were in chorale). Because he's Brantley, he is really upset nad frustrated that he can't do all the things that he used to be able to do, so he is frustrated. But that also means he has the drive to get better! So keep him in your prayers. I'll try to keep you updated as I get more information about his situation.

Thanks guys! You are all awesome!
Fasting and Prayer
8:01 PM | Author: Dallin
I don't know how many of you know Brantley Partridge, but he went into the hospital in the ICU last night, after an MRI was taken that reported a blood clot in his brain stem. He underwent emergency brain surgery this evening. All is going as well as can be expected in a case like this, and he is being strong. I don't know all the details, but I know that he went to the doctor yesterday because he had been having headaches, loss of vision, and just in general zoning out a lot recently. So, if you could, keep Brantley in your thoughts and prayers over the next few weeks as he strives to make a full recovery. Also, several of his friends will be having an impromptu fast for him today and tomorrow morning. Feel free to join in, whether you know him or not. But at the very least, keep Brantley in your prayers.
8:55 AM | Author: Daniel H
hey people i guess everybody didnt have my number which is probably why nobody is texting me there names so here it is 480-600-4854 dont forget to call or text so i can have your number!!!
new phone
11:02 AM | Author: Daniel H
howdy y'all! hey i just recieved a new phone and have found my self stranded with no one to talk to because i lost all your numbers so if you could please text me with your name that'd be awesome thanx!
Elder David Phelps
8:37 AM | Author: Elder David Phelps

I am giving my farewell talk on sunday the 28th of september! My ward starts at 8:30 a.m. I know thats Early but i can not do anything about it! it is located right by my house (1455 N Harris Dr)! I will be leaving on oct 6th and report oct 8th!
There will be a small goodbye party at my house at 8:00pm onthe 28th
1:53 PM | Author: Birtcher
Oh sorry guys! I've opened my blog up now. Enjoy! :)
4:26 PM | Author: Birtcher
Hey, if anyone wants to see some hilarious photos of sterling and everyone else up here- click on my name to the left and click on my blog. (Kacie L. Birtcher) I think there is even a few videos from the dance. Enjoy! :)

Life at BYU-Idaho
9:59 PM | Author: Sterling

Hi Everyone! Well its been quite some time since i've been active on our blog! It's just been oober busy up here at college, and now that i have some time to spare I've want to catch you up.

Let's start from the very beginning! Almost two weeks before I left on September 3rd, My family and I started packing up all that was in the house since we will soon be moving back to Kentucky. (If you didn't know i was moving sorry! call me and I can explain) On the last week of August, My brother, his wife, my nephew Brigham :) and my Grandparents flew into town for my brother Spencer's wedding, and also to help us to cycle through and pack up our home. On August 28th my brother was married to Kate Smith! What a amazing day it was! I wish i could have been inside the temple with him, but Darrik went for me and him both. :) We had the reception in a nice cozy place in downtown Mesa with lots of food, snacks, and music! Thank goodness I did not have to stand in the handshaking line with Spencer, Kate, and my parents! I did it once before for my oldest brother's wedding, and those in the line would skip me! So i stood there for no reason! (I'm not bitter at all!)

After the dinner and dance, I had the chance to mingle with my favoritest cousins Ammon and Josh. While we drove back to Ammons house we marveled at the light show that night! (lightning) And of course finished the night off with watching a couple of episodes of house! Miss ya guys! GO ASU!!

The next day, my house got Down and Dirty! Cleaned out our very dusty and unorganized garage! What a joyess hot day it was! Sorting, boxing, taping, dehydrating? oh most definately, just the usual happenings of a move.

After four days or so we accomplished all our packing goals! Which means! time to prepare for college :) As I started packing my clothes into my brand new suitcases (thanks mom) i realized something. I had not one pair of jeans that fit me! Not only did i want them so i wouldn't freeze my butt of in Idaho, I needed so I would meet the dress code here at BYU-I, Pants ONLY, even if it is hot. I grabbed my mom and we went to the mall for a shopping spree! Three pairs of jeans, Three t-shirts, four long sleeves, one dress shirt, and an awesome blue tie later I left $238.67 at JC Penney's. Another $30 got an awesome deal on a ten piece pots and pans set! Thank goodness for clearance sales.

I noticed the day before I departed that I had not left any time for goodbye's to my wonderful friends! I regret that I didn't percieve that before, because I said bye to about two people. One being Darrik of course. Oh how I miss you so much! What a great bigger brother you were to me. What a great example you impressed upon me. What great memories and inside stories we had. But most of all what a Best Friend I could ever ask for! I thank Heavenly Father for sending Darrik to me, who knew I would become best friends with that kid who dressed up as a nerd for Halloween and purposely droped all his papers as he walked into Chemistry class haha! I love you Darrik! I'll always think about you when I listen to Paul Cardall's Primary Worship CD. :)

After I said goodbye an hour later we were in the car and off to Idaho! I think i slept most of the way to our stop in Provo, but I drove the last 2 hours! hehe! We stayed at our grandparents house, got some sleep then headed up again at six AM! And arrived in Rexburg around ten o clock. After we unloaded all my sisters things we finally drove to Somerset Apartments! My apartment! But a hour and a half check-in-line was waiting for me. After some small talk and what seemed like forever, I finally checked in and got my key! I picked the back right room as my next victim! and unloaded all i had into it! Hours past from unpacking, lunch, etc. and then my parents were going to drive back down to Arizona. We hugged and kissed goodbye or HBS! Hugs Bugs and Slugs! and of course they started to tear up since im the last kid off to college! But I was too excited to cry! I met two of my other roomates who are both RM's and are best friends! their hilarious and fun. Later I met Seany Boy! haha what a silly kid. And then Boyle arrived! YAY! I dont remeber much of the rest of the day but we met up with Becky and Amy to say hi and what not! I was oober tired so sleeping on my bed was something i was looking forward too!

Friday! Lets wake up early and go get and I-Card! (ID) after that lets register for orientation! (OO! wait i remeber what we did, we spent a lot of time at Walmart getting food and some stuff) Anywho! Next was books, yay more money lost! then next was some I-team activities and orientation classes! woo! Lots of new names in my head! ah cant keep up!

Saturday! more orientaion classes yay! buying folders and notebooks! and then buying a pyschology book! holy crap it was more then one hundred bucks itself!!! Then! I-Night! lots and lots of activities to do! Boyle, our roomate tyler, and I went bowling! Then... Pizza, and Rockwall! then to dodgeball! and guitar hero!! lots of fun.

Sunday! Church at 9:30! yay, it was really good! our bishop is amazing :) and a real big ward! Oh! and of course a 1 to 6 ratio of boys to girls... hehe!

Monday! first day of classes!! I'm not one to get nervous about the first day of school until I physicall sit down in the chair to my class! Which happened of course! But my teacher asked to start the class with a pray! How amazing! Right after the pray my nerves went away!

So I think I will just tell you my schedule so I dont have to go through each class!

On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I have English 110, Pyschology, 111, math 110, Mission prep, and Chem 105!!

On Tuesdays and Thursdays i have intermeadite badminton! and chem again.

16 credits! lots of fun!

Oh! just this last Sunday i recieved a calling. Haha, I am the executive secretary to the bishop! which technically means I'm part of the the bishopric... CRAZY!! its and oober busy calling but i get to be just about everywhere the Bishop is.

Anyway, I just want you to know that these first days have been great fun! and a testimony builder to me. I know wherever you are that you can find ways to strengthen your testimony and pray you do the same!

I love you all and miss you lots!!!
007 Tonight at Ty's House (New Address)
8:29 AM | Author: Tyster
Here's a Map too!Here is how to get to my house! Go down to Higley Rd. turn right going south, then keep going down like (going towards the 60) go past the 60 then comes Baseline Rd. go past that and go to the light caled Houston make a right, go straight down, ends up curving right, then make your first right onto Indago Bay Dr. My house is the 2nd one on the left. It would have my dads truck in the driveway dark blue.


Every come over to my house tonight at 7:30pm. I want this to be the bigest game ever! Bring everyone you know even people you dont know. If your unable to come please tell your friends or other people (ages 14-18) to come. Its naice making new friends here. Thanks and hopefully your able to come. Txt or Call me at: 602-363-6893 - Ty's Number
9:11 PM | Author: Elder David Phelps
Words Can't Describe
11:50 PM | Author: Darrik
Words Can’t Describe

Darrik F. Farmer

Dedicated To:
Sterling Michael Tracy

My Heavenly Father has blessed me with many things in my life to which I am eternally grateful for. First of which is my family. I love my family so dearly. My hardest trial in this life has come through my family. But I would not trade my experiences and the things I’ve learned for anything in this world. I know that families are forever and though I may not know how it will work for me and my family, I know my family will live together again in our Fathers Kingdom. I am grateful for my family!

I have been blessed to have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I know that this is his church. I know that he wants each of us to return to our Father in Heaven and has provided us a way through his Atonement. I know that Christ has paid the price for my sins with his own life. I know he bleed for me because he loves me! And I love him! I want nothing more than to meet him and fall at his and thank him. I want to be like my brother, Jesus Christ. To be perfect in every way and through his atonement that is possible. I am grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

I am blessed to live so close to the temple. I am blessed to be worthy to enter into it. I am grateful to enter into the Lords House and to be in his presence and to walk where he has walked! I am so grateful that I may sit in the Celestial Room and have the veil so thin that I may feel my Father in Heaven literally wrap his arms around me! I feel his love for me embrace me all around. I am grateful for a Temple here on earth where I can go and fell at peace from the busy world around me.

I am grateful to know that my Father in Heaven loves me. He knows me by name and cares so dearly about me! My Father loves me! I know He loves each and everyone of his children and wants what’s best for you. And most of all, He wants you and me to return into his presence. If you are ever in doubt if your Father in Heaven loves you or if he even cares, get on you knees and ask him how much he loves you. I know that you will feel him grab you and give you a hug. His love will fill every part of your body! I have felt him next to me and I know he is there for me! I am so very grateful for my Fathers love for me!

I am blessed to have great friends! I am so privileged to call Sterling my friend as well as many others. They have changed my life for the better and have played a large role in making me who I am today. Sterling has always been there for me. When I felt low, he has pulled me up. When I was sad, he cheered me up. When I was happy, he lifted me higher. Sterling is the kind of friend I would lay down my life for without second hesitation because I know he would for me. His only motivation is to help me become the man that Heavenly Father wants me to become. He cries with me and bares my burdens. He laughs and smiles when I do. I know that I met Sterling in the life before. Knowing him he probably told me when I left to this earth that I better gain the courage to say hi in CP Chemistry! He is my eternal friend. I love him. Words cannot describe my gratitude and love towards Sterling Michael Tracy. I love you brother. “I’ll see you in white!”
My new address!
11:07 PM | Author: Twevo
For all those who have been waiting to write me a letter, here is my address at BYU!

Trevor Cowan
3206 May Hall
Provo, UT 84604

Love you all!

P.S. Sean wants you all to know that his address is the same but changing the whole name thing. :)
Fun Stufffffffs
4:35 PM | Author: Aubrey Noble
Thanks, Linndsy, for posting my ideas! I think that if people want to play Where's Waldo they should let me know a good date so that I can organize people to be in disguise (because I'm SO well-connected with gang members, small children, dancing queens, and the like ;) ). So what days sound good?
If people think it's too complicated, there's still the other idea of a scavenger hunt. Or we could make a video put together in different bizarre locations. Or we could go to the flashlight tours or the desert botanical gardens, it's only five bucks. Or we could resurrect the old idea of a Capture-the-Flag Game. Or we could play 007 again. Or we could have another board game night, but with more people this time! Or we could play the Penny Flip Driving Game, with two or three teams and whoever loses has to do something at the other team's request. Or we could play Calvinball, in the evening and without the irrigation this time. Or we could go and see the free pscychic in Glendale, just for kicks :)
Or we could just get together and sit and talk. That's good too.
Where's Waldo Idea
3:44 PM | Author: Linndsy ^^
Here's that really cool idea from Mrs. Anonymous (a.k.a. our lovely little Aubrey Noble)! I just thought these comments should be saved as a really neat idea:

Anonymous said...
I think we should go and have a scavenger hunt at the mall. . .or see how can get the most obscure item for under three dollars. . .OR if we give it a week and are able to plan well, we could play Where's Waldo which is amazing great fun.

Anonymous said...
Where's Waldo is the most amazing game, second only to Calvinball (now you know who this is, huh? ;) ) Anywho. Where's Waldo is where you get a group of people (works best if they are people outside of your group of friends) and they dress up in different stereotypes - crazy cat lady, gangsta, little girl with a lollipop in mouth, whatever you want. Then they scatter around the mall, and you play the game like the Where's Waldo books, except it's for real - you get a slip of paper with descriptions of the people and you have to go and find them. This can be hysterical fun especially if you don't know them, because for it to count, you have to sidle up to them and mutter "Yellow?" and if they say "Submarine" then they are the right one and not a stranger. PLEASE don't tell me I'm the only one whose ever played this game. It takes planning but it's SO fun!
College Plans
7:19 PM | Author: Twevo
I want to know where and when everyone is going for college. Please leave a comment about this post and give me your information! Thanks.


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