8:28 PM | Author: Dallin
B is doing good. They were planning on keeping him in a drug induced coma for three days, but they changed their minds and woke him up today! The surgery went well, and the doctors think that they got everything they needed to get. However, it was brain suregery, so Brantley does have some paralysis on his left side. But they apparently decided he was already well enough to start him on physical therapy today during chorale (i.e. while we were in chorale). Because he's Brantley, he is really upset nad frustrated that he can't do all the things that he used to be able to do, so he is frustrated. But that also means he has the drive to get better! So keep him in your prayers. I'll try to keep you updated as I get more information about his situation.

Thanks guys! You are all awesome!
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