Words Can't Describe
11:50 PM | Author: Darrik
Words Can’t Describe

Darrik F. Farmer

Dedicated To:
Sterling Michael Tracy

My Heavenly Father has blessed me with many things in my life to which I am eternally grateful for. First of which is my family. I love my family so dearly. My hardest trial in this life has come through my family. But I would not trade my experiences and the things I’ve learned for anything in this world. I know that families are forever and though I may not know how it will work for me and my family, I know my family will live together again in our Fathers Kingdom. I am grateful for my family!

I have been blessed to have the restored gospel of Jesus Christ in my life. I know that this is his church. I know that he wants each of us to return to our Father in Heaven and has provided us a way through his Atonement. I know that Christ has paid the price for my sins with his own life. I know he bleed for me because he loves me! And I love him! I want nothing more than to meet him and fall at his and thank him. I want to be like my brother, Jesus Christ. To be perfect in every way and through his atonement that is possible. I am grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

I am blessed to live so close to the temple. I am blessed to be worthy to enter into it. I am grateful to enter into the Lords House and to be in his presence and to walk where he has walked! I am so grateful that I may sit in the Celestial Room and have the veil so thin that I may feel my Father in Heaven literally wrap his arms around me! I feel his love for me embrace me all around. I am grateful for a Temple here on earth where I can go and fell at peace from the busy world around me.

I am grateful to know that my Father in Heaven loves me. He knows me by name and cares so dearly about me! My Father loves me! I know He loves each and everyone of his children and wants what’s best for you. And most of all, He wants you and me to return into his presence. If you are ever in doubt if your Father in Heaven loves you or if he even cares, get on you knees and ask him how much he loves you. I know that you will feel him grab you and give you a hug. His love will fill every part of your body! I have felt him next to me and I know he is there for me! I am so very grateful for my Fathers love for me!

I am blessed to have great friends! I am so privileged to call Sterling my friend as well as many others. They have changed my life for the better and have played a large role in making me who I am today. Sterling has always been there for me. When I felt low, he has pulled me up. When I was sad, he cheered me up. When I was happy, he lifted me higher. Sterling is the kind of friend I would lay down my life for without second hesitation because I know he would for me. His only motivation is to help me become the man that Heavenly Father wants me to become. He cries with me and bares my burdens. He laughs and smiles when I do. I know that I met Sterling in the life before. Knowing him he probably told me when I left to this earth that I better gain the courage to say hi in CP Chemistry! He is my eternal friend. I love him. Words cannot describe my gratitude and love towards Sterling Michael Tracy. I love you brother. “I’ll see you in white!”
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On September 5, 2008 at 6:00 PM , peachymonkey said...
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On September 5, 2008 at 6:01 PM , peachymonkey said...

Darrik that is amazing!! you re amazing and sterling is so lucky to have a friend like you in his life :)

On September 5, 2008 at 8:10 PM , Birtcher said...

Darrik, this is beautiful, i'm really impressed. I know exactly that feeling you wrote about. I'm so proud of you. You'll be a fabulous missionary, you've already proved yourself.

On September 6, 2008 at 12:42 AM , Aubrey Noble said...

Wow. I have to add my comments to the ones already here and just say, what a testimony. Thank you for sharing that with all your friends on this blog, Darrik.



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