Lost Dutchman Park
9:43 PM | Author: Birtcher
Hey everyone! BYU-Idaho's last day of the semester is next Thursday (April 9) which means i get to come home for exactly one week before having to fly back up and get started on another semester. yeh...
Anyways, being up here in the snow for a few months has made me crave my AZ desert. So while i'm home i'd like to invite anyone who'd like to come, to come with me to the Lost Dutchman Park. It's a great spot on the edge of the desert and has campfire pits and ramatas, etc. I'd like to go and roast marshmellos and just have a lot of fun! If anyone has a projector we could possibly bring that up along with a generator and watch a movie or play games.

I was thinking of going there round 6pm Tuesday, April 14th. I'm dying to see another AZ sunset! We'd stay as long as anyone's willing to stay, it's only about a half hour drive and to get in is like, $5 per car. So we'll definitely carpool.

Let me know if your interested!
Should be fun!

Kacie Birtcher
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